The persistent growth that characterizes children comes with a breadth of curiosity, questioning and insight. How wonderful, and potentially, challenging. To create space for the young in our midst, to embrace them as they move through life, to hear and hold their questions, takes a village, – well, really, a church, a whole church.
Our innovative and joyful community of staff, volunteers, educators, and engaged families is committed to supporting children throughout New York as they navigate a changing world and their changing selves.
We offer experiential arts-based spaces for intergenerational fellowship, exploration, and community building.
To inquire about any of our programs, you can email us here:
Wednesdays & Beyond
Childcare - 9:15 am: Available on Sundays for ages 0-5. Head down the stairs on your left when you enter the Church, go through the glass doors, and follow the signs to the end of the hallway to the Nursery. Our caregivers are professional, safe-church trained, and loving.
Bible Conversations - 11:00 am: Children ages 3-3rd grade explore scripture with teaching artists through prayer, movement, song, story, art and ritual. Children may gather at the back of the Church to process with teachers before heading downstairs. Children will be brought back up to families in time for Communion.
Play & Pray Space: Tables and chairs located behind the last pew set the stage for our Pray and Play space. Crayons, coloring, and diverse books are available for children of all ages to move freely, reflect, and explore the liturgy with their parents.
Sunday Acolyte Program: Children Acolytes provide an important ministry as they lead us through our worship - during the Procession, Gospel reading, Offering and Recession. They get to carry beautiful things (including fire!) and wear special vestments - and meet some other wonderful kids as they serve together - approximately once a month. All children/young adults 3rd grade and up are welcome to join this ministry. Please reach out if you are interested in being trained.
Confirmation: For 7th and 8th graders interested in being confirmed in the Episcopal Church or learning more about our faith. Classes begin in January each year. Sign up here. Email for more information.
Baptism: One of Church of the Heavenly Rest’s greatest honors and deepest delights is to officially welcome people of all ages into the family of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. If you or a loved one wishes to be baptized here, please fill out a baptismal form to register; one of our clergy will then contact you to set up an initial conversation.
Wednesday Family Programing:
Early Childhood Music and Movement - 4:00 pm: Children ages 3-grade K learn music basics through joyful singing, movement, and games, led by Teaching Artists Lydia Saylor, Ana Smith and Elle Prado. This class participates in the Wednesday evening Family Service and special Sunday mornings. Register here by January 1st.
Junior and Senior Choristers - 4:00 pm/5:00 pm: Grades 1st-8th learn fundamentals of choral singing, music theory, sight reading and team-building skills. These classes are led by Director of Music Janet Yieh and Chorister-Music Associate Jennifer Lane. The Choristers sing music from the Anglican Choral tradition and a diversity of styles for the Sunday Eucharist. Register here by January 1st.
Children’s Service - 5:00 pm: Join us for a short, family friendly service in the Nave.
Sung Evening Prayer - 6:00 pm: Our Senior Choristers sing Evening Prayer in the Chapel of the Beloved Disciple. All are welcome.
Other Programming:
August Choir Camp: The first week of August we host a day camp for children entering Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you have a child who loves to sing join us for a wonderful week of learning, singing, making, playing, laughing, praying, exploring and serving! All neighbors and friends welcome. Sign ups open Spring 2025.
Annual Christmas Pageant: Our December Christmas Pageant is a traditional and lively retelling of the Nativity story in scripture and carols. Children from the parish and the neighborhood sing every role - Mary, Joseph, the Angel Gabriel, the Three Wise Men, and scores of angels, shepherds, heavenly hosts, and tumblers. Rehearsals will begin Wednesday, December 4, 2024 and continue weekly until the performance on December 24th.
Register your child (age 4-grade 8) for the 2024 Christmas Pageant by December 1st!
Want to get involved with any of the programs above? Questions about them? Reach out to
For music and pageant related questions, please email