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We have an amazing community of people, who share so many different kinds of gifts in community.

Making a financial contribution is one of the most important ways you can support Heavenly Rest. Your pledge, your giving, your contributions, and your participation make a world of difference and enable our congregation to transform lives, reach out to real human needs, build an inclusive and loving community at Heavenly Rest, and be a vital beacon of hope in New York City and beyond.

make a one-click contribution

Other Opportunities to Give


Make a General Donation

Offer a general contribution to show appreciation or support for our ministries.

Commit to Support Us in 2025

Make a 2025 commitment to support CHR, or fulfill your commitment here.

To arrange for gifts of securities, please contact Danielle Andrews at


Heritage Society

The Heritage Society was formed in 2012 to recognize those members who have included Heavenly Rest in their estate plans. For additional information, please contact Danielle Andrews at

Campaign for 100 on 90th

Help us sustain our home for our 100th Anniversary. - donate by clicking here