Upcoming Programs & Events at Church of the Heavenly Rest

2025 All-Parish Art Show

“Let There Be Light!” 

The Arts Committee at Heavenly Rest invites the CHR community to our 2025 All-Parish Arts exhibition, featuring artworks on paper, canvas, needlework, ceramics, sculpture, and the art of the written word!

This year's exhibition theme is “Let There Be Light!”  As we gather on this Threshold of New Beginnings and welcome The Rev. Kate Malin, our new Rector, we invite all CHR art-makers to create a work that illuminates and animates what John’s Prologue says to us during the seasons of Epiphany and Lent: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. NRSV John 1:5

“Let There Be Light!” will be On View in the Undercroft Gallery from Feb 2 - March 16

For more information, email lthorpe@heavenlyrest.org.

Support Heavenly Rest in 2025!

dream DREAMS.

Our 2025 stewardship campaign supports the basics of our parish ministry. We hope that you will prayerfully commit to your support for the year to come! This commitment is one of the most important ways you can support our community and the work we do together. Click here to make a 2025 commitment today.

Join us by making your pledge by “Dedication Sunday” on November 24!

Wednesday Family Programming

Returns September 11th

Does your child love music? We offer free choral and music education programs for young people ages 3-8th grade. All of our activities are open to the neighborhood and community, and we would love for your family to join us! Registration is open.

Early Childhood Music and Movement (age 3-grade K)

Junior and Senior Choristers (grades 1-8)

Sunday Volunteers

Sunday morning ministries are a great way to get involved at CHR! We would love to have your help on Sunday morning (usually one Sunday a month) and we’ll make sure you’re trained and feel comfortable in serving. Let us know if you feel a tug toward any of them!
- Acolytes - kids in 3rd grade and up...carry something beautiful and lead us in worship! 
- Ushers - anyone with a desire to make sure everyone receives a warm welcome! 
- Altar Guild - help prepare the altar for the Eucharist (and clean up)! 
- Lay Readers and Intercessors - share your voice! 
- Chalice-Bearers - help offer the Sacrament of Christ's body!

Receive Outreach Connect

Recently, we re-launched a regular outreach digest to share updates and invitations for all of the areas where are are serving and stepping forward in New York and beyond. You can read the digest here and sign up to receive future “connects.”